Lynx GIS Advisers

West Africa Salt Basin - Lynx GIS Adviser

Angola - Cameroon - Congo-Brazzaville - Congo (DRC)
Equatorial Guinea - Gabon - Namibia - São Tomé & Príncipe

This Fairway/Lynx Information Systems GIS Study of the hydrocarbon potential of the coastal basins of Equatorial Guinea, Cameroon, Gabon, Congo, Angola and Namibia contains a wealth of information on wells, production, seismic and potential field data.

Regional layers within the geodatabase provide an integrated geological/geophysical framework for exploration, covering the entire area of interest. Licenced blocks and concessions are updated on a regular basis, along with the Field Database and Well Information Database incorporated in the GIS Adviser.

A series of Lithostratigraphic Columns and regional Paleogeograhic Maps, produced by correlating wells in the report, illustrate the stratigraphic development of each area with special reference to sedimentary environments, facies distribution and the association of hydrocarbon-bearing source rocks, reservoirs and seals.

Please contact us for a detailed listing, or for more information.